Gazeta Wyborcza - EuroEditorialOffice
Sopot, Poland /
June - August 2011
In connection with our experience on Europe’s political scene (why, the Freedome F75 was the temporary residence for the mayor of Milan on the main Piazza del Duomo square), a Freedomes dome tent was the only appropriate choice when it came to temporary tents set up in central Sopot for a month, during which the city became the capital of Polish presidency in the European Union.
Polish presidency in the Council of the European Union began on July 1st 2011. In this period, Sopot held meetings of ministers from member countries, council boards, and the city itself was visited by over 4 thousand Union guests and journalists from all over Europe. No wonder that every journalist wanting to have their finger on the pulse needed to be in the very centre of the action. Therefore, taking into consideration giving diligent accounts of all the presidency-related events, the Gazeta Wyborcza newspaper relocated their editorial office into a Freedome 75 dome tent set up on the Friends of Sopot Square.
The Multimedia European Editorial Office of “Gazeta Wyborcza,” apart from providing the opportunity to familiarise oneself with the newspaper-making process, had a goal set: to present the culture and customs of different EU countries. The Netherlands enjoyed a rather privileged position due to Grolsch beer being present for the tent’s visitors every day, and not only did it bring people closer to Dutch culture, but also the visitors closer to one another.
At present it is hard to imagine any kind of event in the world of politics without the graceful presence of a Freedomes dome tent. At least it’s hard to imagine that for us.