AHHA Science Centre Conference
Tallinn, Estonia /
September 2010
Scientists, necessarily and by definition, seem to be people who have innovation and modernity encoded into their nature. No wonder that during the conference cycle organised by the Estonian AHHAA Science Centre and the European Parliament, in order to get the most futuristic (and functional at the same time) effect, Freedomes spherical tents were used.
The part of the conference taking place in Ida-Virumaal could indeed serve as the set for a latest sci-fi film. Freedomes geodesic domes, combined with raw landscape, gave an impression which vividly reminded of the moon bazaars from the Star Wars Trilogy. Scientists present at the conference were caught having heated discussions with Freedomes representatives several times, so despite being bound by discretion it’s quite possible that our structures will soon appear where no other tents have been before.
The remaining part of the conference in Ida-Virumall proceeded under the slogan “Energy and ‘Energy’” and was full of rather innovative views on the subject of what actually stands behind the term “energy.” Another spherical structure was set up at the quite fortunately named Freedom Square in the centre of Tallinn, and even accompanied by the City Council building it was quite impressive. The constructions used during the event were as follows: one F30 spherical tent, one F75 spherical tent and one F110 spherical tent. We provide the information for all interested self-taught astronauts out there.