Green Week
Warsaw, Poland /
June 2011
If one were to believe the organisers of the 11th edition of Green Week, the biggest annual conference on the European environment policy which takes place in the European Union, another industrial revolution is coming, although this time with definitely less smoking chimneys (and employees smoking in front of the factory).
Behind the theme of “Using less, living better” stood the concept of complete changes in the way of managing natural resources (such as water, wood, minerals or metals) which, although rarely estimated in the economic sense, constitute the basis of our life and the main source of income.
Every revolution starts at the bottom, that’s why as a part of Green Week a picnic for the youngest was organised. Its aim was to introduce the ideas behind the conference’s theme (somewhat unclear to the youngest). Thr Freedome F75 spherical tent which was set up in the centre of the picnic was the office of the multimedia educational stall, prepared by the European Commission in Poland, whose aim was to promote environmental education through a game popular among the youngest. Conservation of natural resources took place through interactive collecting recyclable materials, games on the interactive floor or making jewellery and toys out of used materials. For the parents who avoided getting dragged into the new form of education, something more traditional, although not less ecologically significant was prepared, that is a promotion of ecological and safe driving, EkoJazda (eco driving).
If one were to believe Eurobarometer’s survey, 83% of Europeans agree that effective usage of natural resources is a good idea. It only remains for us to wait for the idea to be put into practice.